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Nick Stambaugh

Grand Rapids

$2.9k/month Last 60 days of payments. Powered By Stripe.

200+ builders read Build For Fun

The Monday & Friday newsletter to help you build fast
and find new ways to make money onlineπŸ‘‡

⚠️ Sorry, I'm currently working on mobile optimizations. ⚠️

Nick's App Store

Powered By Netlify and Stripe


Build your startup in days, not weeks.

Now Live! β†’
Blitzzz is the powerful technology behind this site that allows you to build, launch, and earn money while you sleep.
I coded the boring stuff, so you can launch in days!
Netlify Status

Prompt Market

The secret sauce to building apps quick.

🚧 Under Construction 🚧
Prompt Market is a revolutionary marketplace that helps you build web applications quickly and efficiently.
Powered By Blitzzz
Netlify Status

Itinerary AI

Plan your next trip with our AI-powered itinerary.

🚧 Under Construction 🚧
Discover new destinations and create personalized travel itineraries with ease using our Itinerary AI.
Powered By Blitzzz and Next.js
Netlify Status


A bold new platform for Michigan developers to show off.

Now Live! β†’
Set up your profile, connect with other developers, and find new opportunities in Michigan.
Powered By Blitzzz
Netlify Status

More apps coming soon!

A Letter from me!

A little about me...I started coding and blogging in public in 2022, just for fun!

Since then, I have shipped many side projects to learn the ropes and grow my skills.

There are three key principles that have helped me make it happen:

  1. Teach to Learn: Writing my newsletter at Build for Fun has forced me to break down complex topics.
  2. Share the Ups and Downs: I believe in being transparent about my challenges, not just my victories.
  3. Help Others: I give away knowledge freely to help people reach their goals.

Five months ago, I was just another developer with a dream.

Subscribe to Build for Fun below and let's grow together 🌱

Contact Me

If you have any questions or need assistance,
feel free to reach out below or talk to my robot in the bottom right hand corner.

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